The Minni

After the Langa I travel to the Minnivallalaekur river. 110Km east of Reykjavik.

The Minni is a relatively small spring creek in the south of Iceland and, despite it’s size, holds brown trout well into the double figures. The rivers reputation as one of the best brown trout rivers in the world has traveled widely.

It is a 4 rod river. Meaning that, at any time, no more than 4 rods are allowed to fish the entire length of the river. 7 k’s.

4 rods! When we fish the Eucumbene river, we’ve sometimes counted 40 or 50 vehicles along the Denison flats. Something else, I will probably have the lodge and the river all to myself.

Absolute solitude for 2 days and 2 nights. In the Icelandic wilderness I am likely to not see another person.

I understand that this is not for everyone. I understand that a lot of people will think I’m nuts. And that’s fine. But I’m looking forward to it.

The lodge that I’m staying at is positioned at the source of the spring where it bubbles up from underground. The resident fish are direct descendants from an ice age species of brown trout believed to have been isolated in the highlands of Iceland at the end of the last ice age. This species grow very fast in the fertile river to a massive size. Some of the fish migrate from the glacial river Thjorsa to the clear water of the Minni and normally those fish have a slightly brighter color than the native fish. The river is strictly catch and release. I wouldn’t want to kill any besides. And apparently it is not uncommon to see fish over 20 pounds in some of the pools.

These fish are old and wise. I’m looking forward to the test.

To give you an idea of the fishing, parts of this vid feature the Minni. I’ll be posting my own when I get there.
