Laxá í Kjós

I guess I’ve used up my quota of superlatives already for this trip. But I’m going to have to dip into the bucket and fish more out.

See what I did there?

Firstly, the lodge here gives a new meaning to the term luxury fishing escape. Jase and I were amazed to be told on arrival that we would be the only guests here on the first night. We have this massive lodge all to ourselves. With a top chef and attentive wait staff dedicated to us. The lodge itself consist of hotel style accommodation rooms. Massive dining room. Chesterfield club lounges. Fully stocked fridge/s. Commercial kitchen. And a wader drying room. It is warm, comfortable, and personal. They knew who we were before we got here.

We met our guide for the next two days, Olli. Kjós’ most senior guide, who also serves as the fishery’s warden.

Olli took us to the first set of pools at sometime around 3:30pm I guess.

Now, they say the fishing is all about confidence. I’ve been switched on since the Langá. But, if you know me, I am always doubtful of myself. This afternoon was no different. Can I do this? Can I catch Salmon in a world class river.

Well…I guess I can. Four in this afternoon’s session.

On the first pool no less, a 60cm (or so) male. Caught on a Red Frances fly. In the same pool I connected with another sizeable fish, but he won that short battle.

Gees I’m having trouble remembering my second catch…it was another male, netted by Olli. 68cm I think.

My third Salmon today, I won’t forget for a long time. An 86cm buck with a big hook jaw.

The result…

Ah! So I should mention here that this guy and the next one were caught in a tributary of the Laxá called the Bugða. At this point, Jason and Olli we’re downstream from me catching Trout. They returned just in time to help me land the brute.

Iceland does get a little windy at times. We got to experience that today. When you have heavy flies whizzing around your head in high winds, sometimes mistakes happen. And I copped a Black Francis fly to the side of my face. The barbs didn’t penetrate my skin so the fly popped out easily enough. It sounds worse than it is. And I was wearing my Spotters fishing glasses at the time. Still, it didn’t tickle.

My fourth fish came half an hour before stumps. A female of 71cm.

It was a great day. Shared with my great mate, Jason.


2 Replies to “Laxá í Kjós”

  1. How good is this? Brilliant. The fly’s you are using are they particular to Iceland or did you bring them from Australia.? incidentally did the inspection your sterilised gear when you arrived in Iceland?

    1. All of the Salmon flies are specific to Iceland and sourced locally in Reykjavik. At great expense, I’ll add. Iceland is an extremely expensive country.
      Barely a word a was mentioned about my fishing gear. I could have gotten away with going straight through customs without it being inspected. I went down the something-to-declare lane and showed the customs officer my disinfection certificate. To his credit he looked it over carefully. For a moment there I thought he was going to give me some grief, but he waved me through. All good.

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